Casual Spitting

Posts under this label simply do not have another place to exist; random, non-consequential, or purely frivolous, these posts can range from how to tie one's shoes to how to solve the world's hunger problems (of which I really do not have a solution, especially since the necessity of open-commerce in a republic-based government is incontestable, and as of this present moment in history, a republic-based government is the only type of government proven semi-successful).

I know the premise of this label borders the disgusting, but I am symmetrical in nature and must remain in my chosen theme; furthermore, much of what we hear from other people throughout our daily experience is ultimately spewed and rehearsed gibberish, so my "spitting" metaphor is more scientifically accurate than if I applied a decipherable euphemism.


  1. Well I like the sign, I hate spitting!

  2. I agree. Especially when it is allergy season and the person hacks all the phlegm up in his (I don't mean to be sexist; I have never seen a female spit - another topic for you) throat before doing so. UGH.

  3. I like spitting. It freshens the mouth and cleanses the soul. Anti-spitters only spit behind closed doors.
