Friday, July 3, 2015

People Who Should Suffer Beheading; or At Least An Unhealable Paper Cut 1

People who intentionally multi-space park.

Although most occurrences arise from people choosing to park their vehicles in such a manner, you might motor upon a situation where the final spot in a lot may cause an "innocent" to seemingly procure two spots when the person to the left or the right exits the lot before the afore mentioned "innocent" (especially if the person to the left or the right of this final spot did not know how to incorporate the accessible mirrors provided for automobile maneuverability, parking extremely close or directly on the provided lines.) With this situation in mind, please think twice before swiping your key along the side of the multi-space parked car or puncturing its tires with your smart-phone's latest tire-puncturing application.

Although I do not condone vandalism, the below culprit justly shook hands with karma...or at least, for everybody besides the car's owner, rather humorously.

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