Monday, October 5, 2015

Listen...It's Gotta be Funny--Somebody Posted It on the Interwebs 3

I do not know what this gathering entails or whether or not this is some sort of esoteric cult exercising their right to assemble...but I do know this demonstrates or validates one of the reasons why people these days think the youth of our time do not respect authority (as if any generations' youth actually respected authority--Hah!)...because if you look closely, there is someone attending this gathering, or secret meeting, who bypassed the dress code...the little girl behind the young lady on the left is not wearing her standard issued paper plate ears, her plastic shot glass eyes, or her Chiclet how did she get in? 

The members of this group let her slide on the rules because she is a child...that's how! Pshhh! "Follow the rules or get out, you non-wearing paper plate-plastic shot glasses-Chiclet teeth little miscreant!" is what I would tell her, especially if I was subjected to the same costume choices.

Unless...unless this is her birthday party, and she wanted to embarrass the oppressing adults in her life with pictures she knowingly would surface on the Internet for all that case, "Bravo! young one...bravo" (*standing, slowly clapping, nodding my head in appreciation of her precocious genius*)

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