Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Personal Quotes 7

“Accepting how things ‘are’—as opposed to how things ‘should be’—eliminates anxiety and frustration within the world you encompass.”

~ Victor Hubress
  • People will continue to drive using cellphones
  • Beauty opens doors locked to others
  • Holding unpopular societal beliefs, or challenging cultural norms, leads to extended spells of loneliness
  • Spiders live in your home
  • Racism and “culturism” will always exist
  • Clowns will always scare me
  • Small talk is essential to developing relationships, no matter how repetitive, rehearsed, and unsubstantial
  • People love traditions, no matter how pointless, outdated, or offensive
  • Dryers will eat socks
  • Furniture and household items will continue to be designed with tiny, hidden crevasses unable to be cleaned
  • Stupid people, or idiots as I call them, will always exist (this does not refer to intelligent people who make occasional stupid mistakes--when an intelligent person makes a mistake, it usually does not affect others, the person realizes the stupid mistake and takes action to rectify or lessen the mistake's effects)
I’ve decided to update this list as I encounter a situation my mind struggles to accept in hopes of one day reaching peace.

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