Sunday, September 26, 2021

Most Wanted Posters - Sunday

~a feeling i must keep secret~

there's this feeling i can't tell anyone about
because it's been trouble before
but it's really not a secret
it should be considered so much more
since it waited patiently and calm
when i locked it behind my door
of friendship needed also;
a lover needed more

it tore me apart for some time
kept me lost and afraid
but even though i was rejected
the feeling in me stayed
i never felt more lonely
but the unfelt happiness out-weighed
the anger in my heart that day
for a mistake on my part made
it was not her fault i felt this way
because she was open and true
she gave me the bare facts;
she did what she had to do
so i could never be mad at her
for the circumstances that ensued
she was only following her heart
something i always told her to do

we were distant for some time
again we were a part
and i felt like it was over
with her falling from my heart
but we still talked occasionally
with me praying for it to start
the way it was since
before we were a part

and just like that it happened
a conversation of old
where we laughed and smiled
where secrets were told
and this is where i saw
my true feelings unfold
for i still felt strongly
for her heart to hold

she'll never leave me i guess
and i love her for this
because she makes me feel so good
but right now it's okay
to be hidden in this abyss
with feelings for a girl
and a longing for her kiss
even though we are not together
and it appears to be wrong
even though i can't hold her
she'll still make me strong
if she never sees what i see
the wait for me will be long
but i'll never stop hoping
for the dream country song

but this time i must stay silent
and stay hidden in my sleep
where my dream is real and my thoughts are one
and my love is trapped too deep
i will never take the chance again
or let my feelings seep
so these are my dreams and my passion
and my feelings: a secret i must keep

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