Sunday, November 28, 2021

Most Wanted Posters - Sunday

~If I Was A Writer~

If I had three wishes,
She’d be every one.
If I had two wishes,
She’d be both.
If I had one wish,
It would be her.
If I would win a million dollars,
She would be worth more.
If I would win ten million dollars,
It would be pennies compared to her.
If I would win a hundred million dollars,
A second with her would still be worth more.
If I was the greatest singer in the world,
Her voice would still be the fairest.
If I was the greatest dancer in the world,
She would still be more graceful.
If I was the greatest writer in the world,
Her words would still be more poetic.
If I was a pencil,
She would be a pen.
If I was a grape, 
She would be wine.
And if I was William Shakespeare,
I would have written a way better poem than this.

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