Sunday, January 9, 2022

Most Wanted Posters - Sunday

~She Took A Piece…And She Took One~

She has taken a small piece,
and so has she.
Back in the day,
she took a piece from me.

Oh yeah, so did she.
Her friend did as well.
She took a piece
but would never tell.

And she took a piece,
and she…she borrowed one.
She never returned it
so I knew it was gone.

Everyone knew she took a piece,
probably the biggest slice.
And her…
she took from me twice.

I never thought she would take a piece.
She was a true friend.
But she sure did anyway;
and that was the end.

I always knew she took a piece.
I showed no foolish pride.
But I wasn't enough,
so she cast it aside.

Now there’s only one piece left,
hiding on top my shelf.
But the sad thing is,
I have to save it for myself.

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