Sunday, March 13, 2022

Most Wanted Posters - Sunday

~A Daytime Dreamer~

A life of bachelorhood—
a lonely place to stay…
a hard habit to break.
But soon along comes a woman,
as bright as a summer’s day;
as complex as Thoreau’s lake.

What kind of man would I be
to ask her to stay the night?
But my arms long to hold her close,
beneath a splash of moonlight.

Look away from the everyday pain
and give into the impassioned sensation
that we can share together.
With you, my life is a like a poem
and you’re the inspiration.
I just know we can last forever.

I don’t wanna live without your love.
It’s something I need to survive.
Because when your name rolls from my tongue,
my lips never feel so alive.

At night, your face fills my dreams.
Your beauty is all I see
and your voice is all I hear.
When I wake, I ask myself:
“Will you still love me?”
and down my cheek falls a tear,
because I know it’s impossible
for you to love me tomorrow.
Then sun breaks the silence
and enhances my sorrow.

If she would have been faithful…
just longer than the night,
there’d be nothing left for me to say.
It’s too hard to say I’m sorry;
so slowly, I reach over and dim the light
to sleep once again through the day.

*Inspired by: Chicago's Greatest Hits 1982–1989 Album

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