Friday, August 13, 2021

Most Wanted Posters - Special Edition - Friday

~The Perfect Blue~

The window sill was empty that day
for the two birds flew
And the glass was down and cold
as more alone and silent the man grew
There once were two birds
an opposite pair
But when he did not choose
his sill went bare
There was a robin that always came by
for many years at that
And it made him happy to feed and stare
at something other than his cat
He thought his robin was beautiful
its feathers so sleek
And it would land at his window
and tap loudly with its beak
But some days his robin did not show
and time seemed to wane
For there would be a hole in his heart
surrounded only by pain
However, the robin would always return
and the sill would be fine for awhile
And the man could admire once again
the robin’s gifted and gorgeous style
There was not just the robin though
a jay would come too
And he also loved this one
with its perfect shade of blue
He hardly ever fed this one
for his robin was his first love
And he worried little about the jay
when it was in the sky so high above
The jay never hurt him
showed up on time each day
But he still loved the robin more
with his heart swept away
Then one afternoon
when he did not hear the robin trill
The blue flew by as usual and settled
on his vacant lonely sill
The robin stayed away
for some time there after
And caused the man to go insane
with worry and fear of disaster

After time he forgot the robin
and gave his attention to the blue
And he began talking 
smiling, laughing, and singing again too
He took in the jay
and cared for it as his own
For it had his heart now
and he was no longer alone
The jay was his answer
to his lonely man’s dream
And everything about it
was perfect and clean
Then one night the robin came back
and the blue noticed the sill
And the man could not believe his eyes
so he just sat there, still
He could not keep both
for two he could not buy
So he decided to put them on the sill
and see which would fly
Since he could not control
his lust for the robin
They both flew away that night
and left the man sobbing

The blue was all he needed
the robin, an empty choice
So why didn’t he just keep
the one that gave him his voice?
And now the weather was cold 
and both birds had flown
And he sat there praying
silent and alone
He lost the blue that night
and there was not anything he could do
because he took for granted the love
of the one and only perfect blue

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