Sunday, August 29, 2021

Most Wanted Posters - Special Edition - Sunday

~harder than wood~

you wake up one day
and your soul is there
things seem to be free
without a single care
for you waited a long time
and it finally came
but you still had a dilemma
without a person to blame
was it her fault
for not giving you a chance?
or was it your ridiculous dream
for a perfect romance?
all you did was care
was that so wrong?
for a flame you wanted to share
that had burned so long
but you were treated like dirt
like not even a friend
but you still thought you'd be together somehow
writing a storybook end
so how can you believe
if anyone else tells you they care
for your life's dream has been destroyed
with nothing to spare
“this is the last time” you whisper
and you leave her for good
because the hurt you felt that day
was harder than wood

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