Sunday, October 10, 2021

Most Wanted Posters - Special Edition - Sunday

~Upon Me~

You can’t explain the feeling I got
 when I first looked in her eyes.
They had a soft look of innocence
 and a child-like surprise.

They were open widely
 and full of expression.
And I’m sure that is why
 they became my overriding obsession.

They were eyes that could laugh;
 they were eyes that have cried;
they were emotionally scarred;
 they held nothing inside.

Her eyes spoke directly to my heart
 with a vibrant, but tender, voice.
And I sought them out among the crowd;
 they were my only choice.

I didn’t want to fall for her eyes;
 I couldn’t go through that again.
I wouldn’t be able to handle it;
 the two of us—just as friends.

I only wondered how it would be
 to get lost inside her fire;
to be her only vision of love;
 to be her heart’s desire?

I couldn’t surpass the emotion
 that I didn’t want her to see.
But I would have done anything that night
 for her eyes to look upon me.

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