Friday, April 9, 2021

Most Wanted Posters - Special Edition - Friday

She's a beautiful woman, and most deservedly belongs as a Most Wanted Poster, but her head shot has sparked a debate with myself, because no one else really cares about the thoughts in my head, even those closest to me, and I can't say I blame them because I have a lot of thoughts in there. But this head shot highlights a new trend, the “thick eyebrow trend” to be specific, and I just don't understand it. I've always understood why women used one of those special pencils to darken their eyebrows if they were too light, or if after years of plucking and plucking, needed to add a little extra curvature to those hair strips above our eyes because they really do form the appearance of the face, but I can't, for the life of me, figure out why women would want to add such thick eyebrows to their faces on purpose. Isn't that the reason why eyebrow plucking became a thing in the first place? To have thin, but shapely eyebrows? And now they want to look like the exaggerated version of a Russian female portrayed in the movies? Someone please explain this to me because I'm about to pluck something out myself. 

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