Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Rolls Of Insulation 15 (Meme/Pic Dump) (42 Pics)

I got the idea for this label from one of my favorite bloggers and social media friends: I have tons of pictures I download from my daily queries and random searches, but I don't share them all because I try to only pick the ones I evaluate to be the best or the ones I consider to be my favorites for my humble posts; however, I've chosen to post these discarded pictures anyway under this gigantic label. I truly desire to entertain you, even if in the slightest, so relax and scroll until your finger hurts.

Frederick VIII And Hannes Hafstein ; Þórarinn B. Þorláksson ; 1908

From Laugardalur ; Þórarinn B. Þorláksson ; 1923

Eclipsed moon shot at an ice castle in Midway, Utah.

The Artist's Home ; Þórarinn B. Þorláksson ; 1923

Rick Astley's hit Never Gonna Give You Up passed 1 billion views on YouTube in July 2021.

The good-natured St. Bernard that played the killer dog in Cujo, was a 200 pound happy pup named "Daddy."

A wood block after being electrocuted.

Duran Duran

Eddie Murphy ; "Saul" ; Coming to America

20-year-old "Big Jake," the biggest horse in the world, passed away in Wisconsin in May 2020.

Robert Palmer's Addicted To Love Girls Then And Now

Sean Astin is a very underrated actor.

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