Friday, July 17, 2015

Movie Star (Celebrity) vs. Talented Actor

This distinction is invaluable; it just might stop a few hands from forming fists or attempting strangulation...or at least a few thrown beer bottles or high-ball glasses.

The intent of this post is not to discredit any actor (I even chose movie star (celebrity) representatives whose work doesn't make me want to disown my association with the human species and pledge to never view one of their films ever, ever again); I am simply offering this distinction to aid novice movie viewers and critics alike, especially to understand the premise of which I stand when evaluating performances, and settle "best actor" debates since this distinction fails to be made when I discuss this subject with friends (well, "friend," but who's counting?)

In an attempt to stimulate your analytical juices, I've provided four examples below: two movie stars (celebrities) and two talented actors. The question is:

Can you label them correctly?

Julia Roberts

Tom Cruise

Helena Bonham Carter

Johnny Depp


Julia Roberts and Tom Cruise would land under this distinction. Even though they are talented at portraying a character on screen, they almost always portray "themselves." Either they choose creatively stunted characters or these are the only characters written for them, they simply play their characters in the same manner in every movie; however, what makes them different from other actors who do the same thing is that they regularly have chosen well-written, solidly directed, and quality produced films. And, oh yeah, they're extremely hardworking, self-sacrificing, and "likable," because they couldn't have reached their status without every single one of the afore mentioned qualities. We watch films movie stars (celebrities) are involved with because the plots, subjects, or themes are common, comfortable, or appear interesting, rarely because they are listed in the cast line. 

Although I respect Julia Roberts' and Tom Cruise's work, they should never be mentioned when discussing "talented actors"; they simply have not produced the same caliber of work as the other two actors pictured.


Helena Bonham Carter and Johnny Depp are indisputably talented actors. They regularly choose challenging and multi-leveled characters, and play these characters as singular entities; rarely do you view two of their performances and say, "I could see hints of that first character in the portrayal of the second." They present their eccentric characters with plausibility and their mundane characters with minor idiosyncratic natures, separating them from every other role they have played. With this work ethic in mind, they sometimes choose risky or before-their-time films, which aren't as publicly received as the films a movie star (celebrity) chooses, often later gaining a "cult following." We watch films talented actors are involved with simply because they are involved with it, whether or not we're interested in the movies' plots, subjects, or themes; we watch these films to see the mastery they produce on the screen.

NOTE: Remember, I do not believe in absolutes, so an actor I label as a "movie star (celebrity)" can very well produce work qualifying them as a "talented actor," or vice-versa; I simply make this distinction based on the overarching qualities of their entire filmography.

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