Sunday, August 14, 2022

Bad Conversation Topics When Surrounded by Throwable Objects 19

TOPIC: If  "gods" from any religion actually exist, then why did these gods create atheists?

Here's an intersting take on this question:

This is an interesting take on why god would create atheists, and I love the sentiment because anything inciting people to behave more kindly I consider very valuable; however, I find it interesting how religious people find a way to explain everything which goes against their beliefs through the filter of their god. I could never write on how I truly feel about religion because I do not believe there would be enough data or storage on this blog to hold all the text, the discussions, and the inevitable arguments, but I did particularly like this take on why atheists exist. I don't consider myself anything, not even an atheist, because I refuse to define myself through the filter of religion, but I respect everyone's beliefs because I'm intelligent enough to admit no really has the answers.

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