Wednesday, July 8, 2015

People Who Should Suffer Beheading; or At Least An Unhealable Paper Cut 2

People who use the left door when entering or exiting; or people who attempt to enter before someone exits.

Let me preface this discussion by acknowledging other countries may maintain different acceptable social behaviors, and I respect these countries and the maintenance of these different acceptable social behaviors, and I would not hesitate to behave accordingly if I found myself in a country with different acceptable social behaviors than the country I currently reside, no matter how silly or backwards I deem these different acceptable social behaviors.

Also, allow me to state I am aware to the best of my knowledge neither legal laws concerning this faux pas exist, nor do any such civil deterrents exist (although I would probably not vote against a perpetrator of this faux pas receiving a little electrical charge emitted from the left door handle or the floor directly under the left door, or having a motion-activated voice recording announce, "Self-destruct initiated, commencing in 5...4...3...2....")

The majority of the civilized and industrialized world subscribes to a "right-hand" traffic protocol when traveling on paved roadways, and rightly why do people not follow this simple and logical protocol when they find themselves in lengthy corridors or standing in front of double doors? Are these two situations more difficult to navigate than driving an automobile, tractor, lawnmower, or motorized-wheelchair? Do confrontations with narrow hallways or the sight of two door handles cause people to lose their natural senses? Their senses of balance? If driving laws were forgotten or intentionally disregarded as easily and often as the unwritten laws of right-hand foot traffic, roadways would become apocalyptic bloodbaths.

Connected to this social faux pas is the almost more disconcerting faux pas of attempting to enter before someone exits. People, take elevators for example: If the people waiting to enter a crowded elevator chose to board this crowded elevator before the people wanting to exit this crowded elevator could "unboard" this crowded elevator, much unnecessary bumping, pushing, and fondling would occur, or the people wanting to exit this crowded elevator would be forced to remain boarded, and this crowded elevator would eternally remain "crowded"...or eventually snap its wires and send the entire carriage crashing down to its fiery death.

But alas! People will be people...and idiots, don't forget idiots. 

I blame Wal-Mart.

Sooner or later, civilization will actually require signs such as below to function without incident.

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