Saturday, October 17, 2015

My Favorite Songs 10

Way Back Into Love (Full Demo Version) ; Hugh Grant And Drew Barrymore ; Music and Lyrics Soundtrack, 2007

Way Back Into Love ; Hugh Grant And Haley Bennett ; Music and Lyrics Soundtrack, 2007

With the risk of being labeled effeminate, I will admit I absolutely love this movie, most likely for its campy ending because I have often dreamed of wooing a woman in such a manner...with some grandiose event holding deep meaning to the both of us..."sighs"...

Setting aside my wistful nature for a moment, this post is not meant to spotlight the movie, but to showcase its music; I love the entire album...I find it very relaxing and uplifting in a riding on a cotton-candy cloud sort of way...I've posted both versions from the film, because I like each of them individually and for their own merits.

But who would have ever thought Mr. Grant (although, Josh Groben he is not) and Miss Barrymore had such quality voices?

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