Thursday, December 31, 2015

Favorite Screen-Written Characters 11

"The Tall Man" ; Angus Scrimm ; Phantasm Series, 1979, 1988, 1994, 1998

"You play a good game boy, but the game is finished, now you die."

Now I know it's the wrong time of the year to share a horror film icon, but during the holiday break I had a few late nights, allowing me to revisit these cult classics during a marathon I luckily came across flipping through the channels. Even as a young adult I didn't consider the movies very scary, interesting and cool, but not scary; I also knew they were independently produced with a minute budget and the storylines lacked imagination; however, I loved the presence of the Tall Man and his neat little spheres of death, and when one watched as much late night television as myself, quirky, mysterious, and abnormal characters such as the villain of these films really caught my attention. So maybe I'm just being nostalgic, but whenever I find one of these films being played, I'm immediately engrossed by the Tall Man's geriatric charm.  

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