Monday, January 4, 2016

Bad Conversation Topics When Surrounded by Throwable Objects 3

TOPICCan you actually achieve the "model" body with dieting and exercise? And will it actually make you happier?

One of the most prevalent reasons for unhappiness is the appearance of our bodies, our shapes, our sizes, our weights; however, when you learn your limitations, accept them, give your body what your mind needs to evolve negative stigmas you've been spoon-fed your entire life about appearance into your own visions of a healthy and sexy body, you will have the control to change your future outlook on your appearance.

Your tummy's rumbling as you read this? Just forget about it! It's a mind trick!

Don't believe me? Skip a meal and see for magic, the pangs will vanish and will not return until your next scheduled meal...the time your brain has been told to expect food. What does this mean? It means your mind tells your stomach when it is accustomed to eating, the time of day is what is at play here...not your body's hunger. So just be logical about your eating.

Think about this example: You regularly fill your car with a full tank of gas on Friday...Friday comes along but you have not driven much this week, and so your car is still relatively on "F"...would you still put the same amount of gas in your tank, causing a massive spill (or adding to your fat cells), simply because it was the "time" of the week you are used to doing so? Do not listen to societal meal times...only listen to your logical thoughts about "filling your tank."

The first thing and, consequently, the last thing I will relay to you about getting your body into shape is that unless you did not eat a bunch of junk food between the ages of 6-17, or you have great genes, or you are not opposed to major cosmetic surgery, or you have boat loads of time on your hands, you will NEVER look like the female and the male pictured above. Do not fall for the quick-fixes, the pills, the shakes, or any other type of weight loss fad; they can help, and some can produce great results, but you must exercise and eat healthy for them to become long lasting, and you MUST revamp your entire lifestyle in regards to your eating and exercising habits. And, oh, these fad diets will NEVER make you look like the gorgeous people pictured on their products either--without the help of a lifestyle revamp and exercise.

Sort of a bummer, right? Well, just because you cannot look like the models above by drinking one shake a day, or counting points, or eating portion-sized meals mailed to your house, does not mean you cannot try and make your body look closer to its full sexy potential! Just attempting to get into shape or eat healthier can manifest into a drastic overall of your daily life, bringing you happier days and more meaningful relationships because you will feel you are doing something, something which is going to make your mood and outlook on life noticeably brighter. 

I am only being honest with you because I want you to consciously make a decision to get into shape and eat better, but mainly to promise yourself you will stick to it by CHANGING your old lifestyle into a more productive pleasure-producing way of life by setting limits and goals and NEVER losing hope. 

Remember, people enjoy the week before a big event more than the actual event itself. Why? Because just thinking about going to the event gives them better thoughts, happier moods, and less stress. It works the same way with weight loss and a healthier lifestyle! You'll enjoy the life-long journey much more than the day you actually step on the scale and see your goal weight. You have a Thirsty Spittoon Spit-Shake Promise on this one.

Just so you know: I'm currently still 26 lbs. away from my "acceptable-reached" goal and 36 lbs. away from my "ultimate-reached" goal...and I decided to make my change four years ago (total weight lost 116 lbs. and counting)!

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