Saturday, January 16, 2016

Favorite Screen-Written Characters 12

"Carlton Lassiter" ; Timothy Omundson ; Psyche, 2006-2014

Shawn Spencer: Good morning, detectives! Collecting donations for the Policeman's Ball?

Carlton Lassiter: We don't have balls.

Shawn Spencer: I honestly have no response for that.

Carlton Lassiter: Need I remind you, Mr. Spencer, what happens when you interfere with a police investigation?

Shawn Spencer: Uhhh... The case gets solved?

Although I personally consider Shawn and Gus pseudo-best friends, and their chemistry on screen during this series is phenomenal and hilarious, I am choosing to spotlight Mr. Omundson's performance simply because without this "straight" man comprising this comedy trio, I really don't think the show would have worked as well as it did or lasted as long as it did, especially if you've ever seen Mr. Omundson perform other characters in other works as I have; he was the glue holding this show together and he never disappointed.

I received the complete series for the holidays and have thoroughly enjoyed re-watching the older episodes, always spotting or hearing something new. If you've never seen, Psyche, it's a show worth seeing, especially if you love great storytelling, character development, and quick-witted humor.

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