Friday, March 18, 2016

Personal Quotes 11

"Beware. Every solution breeds another problem."

~ Victor Hubress

Now, I'm not complaining about the internet when I use it here as an example, because obviously I'm an avid user, but the "internet" is a perfect example of this phenomenon. The internet solved and improved many situations in life, from simple communication to paying bills faster and more efficiently to providing everyone with a wealth of knowledge at their fingertips; however, it has also made other areas of our lives more difficult. Some could argue the problems caused by the internet were already present, facilitated by previous advancements, or solutions, but the magnitude the internet has amplified these problems is astronomical. 

In order to see the fundamental principle behind this quote, you must make deeper and longer studies of life or societal aspects, stretch your mind back to a time when the so-called "solution" didn't exist...and the next time you believe you have a solution to a problem...pretend your solution is in play and predict future problems. You'll be surprised just how many more problems you'll create! 

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