Friday, July 29, 2016

Sex vs. Gender


The biological male or female division of a species, especially as differentiated with reference to the reproductive functions.


The socially male or female division of a species, especially as differentiated with reference to cultural roles and behavior.

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Even though these two terms are utilized interchangeably in our society, the distinction is necessary. I also concede a person's "sex," in most instances, would ultimately provide their "gender" classification as well; however, the main difference is a person's "sex" relates specifically to his/her biological extremities (whether born with or surgically altered), and a person's "gender" relates specifically to what role society expects each sex to assume or what behaviors society expects each sex to emulate. Neither "sex" (although sex changes are becoming more socially acceptable as of late) nor "gender" are ultimately choices, but where these two categorizations differ is "gender" stems from external forces, dictating a person's role and behavior in our society, where as sex stems from internal forces, creating a person's world outlook.

Basically, I am attempting to shed light on a common phenomenon: toys, books, clothes, activities, food, movies or any other object consuming our worlds do not own a distinct "sex," despite what society deems appropriate. Society chooses what toys, books, clothes, activities, food, or movies are feminine, and which are masculine. 

I believe allowing gender classifications to dictate your choices is extremely limiting. If I thought in such a manner, I would never have read certain books or viewed certain movies, ultimately missing out on excellently spun tales. And, if I believed wearing a skirt was beneficial, I would have already donned one at any of my past outings, but I like the security of pants.

Do not limit yourself.

NOTE: This snippet of an extremely longer thought process might not completely explain my position on these two terms and how they actually interact inside my mind. If this article is in anyway perceived as closed-minded, or offensive, I apologize, for this is not my intention. I believe people can be or act as whomever or whatever they believe is appropriate for themselves. 

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