Thursday, September 1, 2016

People Who Should Suffer Beheading; or At Least An Unhealable Paper Cut 8

People who sing audibly aloud as if you paid $80.00 for a ticket to their concert.

Seriously people. As you blast music in your ears, you truly cannot hear yourself; however, even if you do sound like Natalie Merchant or Lionel Richie, when in public most people do not care to hear someone belting it out as if at home in the shower; most people have business of their own to conduct, whether it be a simple conversation with a friend or co-worker or something more serious, such as working through a family or relationship dilemma or most notably in my case, attempting to read a few pages before the bus arrives or before going back to work or while sitting in the park.

And yes, this occurred just as often before phone-based or Ipod or MP3 portable technologies existed; Walkmans were all the rage...once.

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