Sunday, October 30, 2016

Bad Conversation Topics When Surrounded by Throwable Objects 11

TOPIC: Do celebrities and other public figures (seemingly above the law) charged with crimes earn acquittals simply because of their fame?

The popular belief celebrities and other public figures appear to unreservedly commit crimes, sometimes of the heinous and despicable nature, and ultimately remain unscathed, or found not guilty of their alleged crimes, simply because they are famous is indubitably and most assuredly a false belief.

The reason celebrities and other public figures secure acquittals when they are accused of crimes is because they have the money to hire the best lawyers and other professionals.

So you think I’m pandering? Blind to the truths of our society? Wearing rose-colored glasses?

Consider this situation:

  • Person A and Person B plan to build their own houses from scratch.
  • Person A can afford a basic hammer, drill, handsaw, and second-rate wood.
  • Person B can afford multiple hammers, drills, electric saws, first-rate wood, and workers to help; basically the best equipment and materials in large quantities and extra person power to boot.
  • Person B will most likely finish building his/her house before Person A, and the house will most likely be better built, safer, and much, much larger.
  • Person A, if his/her house is ever built, will most likely build a shack in comparison and an unsafe and much, much smaller structure than Person B’s house.

Why? Money.

Celebrities and public figures can simply afford the “best equipment and materials” (lawyers and other professionals) to argue their cases.

Now, do not paint me a fool because I do understand the legal system is not above “favors” or the proverbial “turn of the cheek,” but if you were the one building your house from scratch, and you had a friend in the lumber business willing to offer you his/her “family” discount on quality lumber, wouldn’t you take advantage of your connections?

Well, if you do not have a lot of money lying around, I hope you are never accused of a serious crime and forced to defend yourself, because lawyers are not any different than any other product we purchase. In keeping with the house building metaphor, some are weak and flimsy as second-reate wood and others are strong and sound as first-rate wood.

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