Sunday, December 5, 2021

Famous Quotes 23

“If you have been brutally broken but still have the courage to be gentle to other living beings, then you’re a badass with a heart of an angel” 

~ Keanu Reeves

I love the sentiment behind this quotation; however, I believe I'm sort of a juxtaposition to its intent. When I'm truly feeling down, or I am going through something particularly trying, I tend to be much nicer to people, more patient, more understanding. I think this is so for two reasons: When I'm feeling down or broken, I slow my world down so I can give myself time to still be productive, still accomplish tasks I need to accomplish to continue living a life, because if I kept going at the same pace as before, I would crash almost immediately; I also tend to raise my empathy to an astronomical level, or sympathy level depending, because I realize if I can be feeling so much pain at that moment, so could someone else. As this quotation probably uplifts many people and reminds them of their worth, it reminds me that the time when I need to be the most vigilant about how I treat other people is when my life is golden.

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