Sunday, June 30, 2024

Most Wanted Posters - Sunday

~there’s a seat open to my right~

i wonder if she’ll notice me, sitting all alone?
i wonder if she thinks about me, hanging out at home?

i wonder if she’ll talk to me? there’s an open seat to my right.
i wonder if she’ll smile at me? oh! what a beautiful sight!

i wonder if she’ll say my name? her voice is like the summer wind.
i wonder if she’ll look my way? somewhere her eyes have never been.

i wonder if she’ll talk to me? there’s an open seat to my left.
i wonder if she’ll say hello? or am I even worth a breath?

i wonder if I have a chance? would it be such a crime?
i wonder what it would take to kiss her lips just one time?

maybe I should just forget, or stop thinking about her now.
or try to get her to look my way, but I can’t think of one way how.

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