Friday, May 28, 2021

Most Wanted Posters - Friday

~Unhappy Thoughts~

I don't know where to start
I'm always confused on this one
Everything else seems so simple
but when it comes to her,
I'm lost.

I haven't lived long enough
to know if it's the real thing
How I feel right now is so perfect
but when it comes to love,
I think of her.
I do know a couple things
All I want is to hold her,
to kiss her,
to touch her hair
and to tickle her feet
to kiss her nose
to touch her nose
to feel her cheek
to tickle her face
to hold her hand
and to look at her smile.
To hear her say my name
and smile when she does.
To look into my eyes
and for her to get lost in mine.

These are things I dream of
and think of every second
I even look her up in the phone book
just to see her name in print
I think I love her...
Sometimes I say I can't live without her
other times I say I'm just lonely
and I need someone, not exactly her
to help me out with my dream
But I cry.

I cry at night, when I feel sorry for myself
Because she's not mine
And I think why couldn't something happen to me?
I have a full life; friends, sports, school,
I love it all

I have other dreams
but without this one
the others mean nothing

her dream is what keeps me going,
I think.

For I say she'll know one day
And everything will work out
but I can't hope for a movie
and that is exactly where it is
There are other nice guys too
that probably care for her just as much
So why should I deserve to be so special
and be the lucky one at the end?
It probably won't be me.

I don't know what else to do
I told her I care
I call her for no reason
just to say hi.
I'm so lost.

I need her, I want her,
I think I love her...

I can't let go of her
even though there's been pain
pain, hurt, pain
But I think of her smile
And I lose my barrier
I feel this big around her
I can't control my feelings or thoughts.
Do I love her?
I guess I'm in trouble the rest of my life
For love is an everyday word
and that means she's and everyday thought.

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