Sunday, December 19, 2021

Most Wanted Posters - Sunday

~What If I Was A Cranberry?~

What if I could be a Cranberry?
People screaming over my every motion;
dancing to my every word;
millions of faces would know me,
over the radio my voice would be heard.

Girls would pay to see me play;
they’d throw themselves at me every turn
and at my name their hearts would race.
They would faint to kiss my lips
or even just to brush skin against my face.

Trillions of fans would adore me
and fill the seats below the stage,
giving me all of their attention
as well as their eyes, their voices, 
their smiles; and their affections.

But see I know a better life to live,
for it would have to deal with you
and only one second of your time.
Because I would feel like a Cranberry
if I had the chance to call you mine.

I would only need one fan;
one pair of eyes, once voice, one smile
and your heart the size of Rome.
Because I wouldn’t be able to feel like a Cranberry
without you as my home.

What if I was a Cranberry?
But I would rather hear your voice
and try to make you smile;
to make you see all the good in you
and to steal a kiss once in a while.

If I was a Cranberry I wouldn’t be able to live.
Your face would only be a dot in the crowd
and your lips only a glare.
So I would be happy and content with you as my only fan
as long as every place I went you were there.

I couldn’t handle you just being another fan
I would want you as my own,
to be your last dance.
I would choose you over being a Cranberry
no matter how many times I would have the chance.

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