Sunday, February 20, 2022

Most Wanted Posters - Sunday

~A Jewel Among The Rest~

Without a chance for your hand
my heart could never live.
My arms, my legs, my eyes
are everything I would give.
So I lay down my pride
and look deep into your soul,
for you are one with strength—
an unbelievable control.
My lips ache to say the words
as well as my fingers wish to feel
the inner layer of your dreams
that you so lavishly seal.
The sky is my home;
the clouds my friends.
And my feelings about a star
is what this message sends.
Keep hold to what you believe
and live life with no regrets.
I did exactly this with you;
a jewel among the rest.
If you shine on me, it’s well;
a light my darkness has never shared.
If your warmth fades to shivers
at least you knew I cared.

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