Sunday, January 22, 2023

Most Wanted Posters - Sunday


Her eyes are pools of the sky
where the stars shimmer by time.
Her lips are the waves of the world
where the waters flow like Piese Porter wine.
Her voice is mystically musical
and her heart encompasses the Earth.
The Seven Wonders of this planet
do not even compare to her worth.
Her scent is the sound of the senses,
exciting everything but our feet.
We remain still, mesmerized
as our heart skips a beat.
Dawn comes early, with rosy fingers
but her skin is too goddess-like to touch.
Her beauty compares to Calypso’s
for Odysseus it was too much.
So how could my mortal heart
reach for her secret so divine?
I yearn for her kiss;
for her lips to be mine.
So I’ll travel the seas
like Ithaca’s great king,
in search of her smile
and her magic’s steady sting.

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