Sunday, March 26, 2023

Most Wanted Posters - Sunday

~Eight-Three-And Every Year~

Eight-three-and every year,
a letter slides down my box.
Addressed to me in the center appears
as constant as hands on a clock.
Eight-three-and every year,
the letter, like gold I feel,
for inside is the greatest girl
just beyond the seal.
Eight-three-and every year,
I thank the Lord once again
for granting the gift of this girl,
this girl—my best friend.
Eight-three-and every year,
I realize without her I’d die.
She’s been through it all with me—
times I needed to talk, laugh, or cry.
One-nineteen-this year,
what do I go and do?
I forget the day this blessing came
like a bloody ungrateful fool!
One-nineteen-this year,
how could I forget?
Every year I get a card
from the girl eleven years ago I met.
One-nineteen-this year,
the day my hope was born,
I need to set my priorities
instead of blowing my own horn.
She might never know how I feel
or how sorry is this fool.
I can’t even ask for forgiveness,
only dive into the pity pool.
Even if by chance
she does let it pass,
I could never forgive myself
for being such as ass!
I hope she takes to heart
this solemn apology
and remember how much I love her
and how much she loves me.

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