Sunday, August 20, 2023

Most Wanted Posters - Sunday

~It’s Only A Four-Letter Word~

Love is only a four-letter word.
It takes on too many different meanings.
Some say nothing compares to its enchantment
and others say it’s the devil’s dealings.
Life revolves around such a simple word.
It makes the world more difficult to handle.
Serenity and lucidity are impossible to reach
as its flame burns merely in a candle.
Light is as common as love.
Intuition is as rare as well.
So how can they both compare
as to the likes of Heaven and Hell?
Listen to your heart and be patient.
Instincts should never be followed.
Someone could season your heart one day
and in the next it could be swallowed.
Love at first sight is not real.
It deals with only attraction, not the mind.
Sexuality is only one half of the equation.
Affection is more complex to define.
Love unconditional cannot be chosen.
Instilled is its only birth.
Society cannot set your standards
according to its worth.
Lust and hate are simple four-letter words
impossible to confuse.
So why is love so confusing
and so hard to win or lose?
Ladies and gentlemen will always wander
into this unsolved mystery.
Scientists won’t study and prove
anything about its inclusive history.
Like fools we’ll travel the run-down path—
Ignorant or arrogant by nature,
searching for our sailing ship,
attempting to avoid the glaciers,
longing to hold the one
inside of your arms.
Stealing an extra glance
and swooning from its charms.
Let your heart deal with love.
Intelligence is your mind’s chore.
Some things will become completely simple
as two plus two is four.

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