Sunday, August 8, 2021

Movie/Film/TV Box 14 (Meme/Pic Dump)

The Goonies cast reunited to read the entire movie script for charity

Leonardo DiCaprio taking a break from the director’s point of view during the filming of Django Unchained (Behind-The-Scenes)

Carrie Fisher and Warick Davis (Ewok Wicket) on the set of Return of the Jedi (Behind-The-Scenes)

Bill Murray literally “on the set” of Fantastic Mr. Fox (Behind-The-Scenes)

Scene 1, Take 1 of Forrest Gump (Behind-The-Scenes)

Filming of the MGM Lion's Roar (Behind-The-Scenes)

R2D2 having a sandwich during a filming break on the Star Wars set (Behind-The-Scenes)

Director Joel Coen checking in on The Dude during the trippy dream sequence in The Big Lebowski (Behind-The-Scenes)

Even Frankenstein’s monster needed to find time for a cup of tea and a quick snack (Behind-The-Scenes)

Robert De Niro gets some help with a slate clap on Raging Bull (Behind-The-Scenes)

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