Sunday, March 5, 2023

Junk Box 25 (Meme/Pic Dump)

Jeanette Rankin was the first female member of Congress in America. Her appointment is notable since this was around 4 years before women could legally vote in the United States.

At least 6 American First Ladies have descended from one of history’s most famous Native Americans, Pocahontas: Edith Wilson, Edith Roosevelt, Nancy Reagan, Bess Truman, Frances Cleveland, and Jane Pierce.

Egyptian pharaohs had their naked servants covered in honey, hoping they’d attract the flies and other bugs instead.

In ancient Rome gladiators endorsing products had their paintings placed on public walls, and children played with toys made to resemble popular fighters.

Joseph Strauss, engineer of the Golden Gate Bridge, mandated a net installed under the bridge while being built. The net caught 19 men who fell, saving them from a certain death.

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