Thursday, July 16, 2015

Jokes 1

An aging gentleman goes to the doctor for one of his bi-annual checkups. After receiving a bill of health, the doctor asks him if he has any questions or concerns.

The gentlemen replies, "Actually, I do, doc. I think my wife is losing her hearing. But I'm not sure."

"Well," the doctor says, "Stand 50 feet away from her and ask a question in a conversational volume. If she responds, then she isn't losing her hearing. But if you do not hear a response, move in ten feet and repeat the question. If she doesn't answer you standing 20 feet away, she probably needs a hearing aid."

When the gentleman returns home, he decides to test his wife. He stands approximately 50 feet away from the kitchen, where his wife is preparing dinner, and asks in a normal tone, "Hon, what's for dinner?"

He waits a few seconds. No response. 

He moves 10 feet in and asks again, "Hon, what's for dinner?"

Again, he waits a few seconds. Again, no response.

He moves in another 10 feet, and then another, still not receiving an answer. Finally, he stands roughly 10 feet from the kitchen and asks again, becoming a little irritated despite himself, "Hon, what's for dinner?"

"CHICKEN!" his wife screams. "I've answered you four [expletive] times already!"

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