Wednesday, December 2, 2015

My Favorite Songs 14

Far Behind ; Candlebox ; Candlebox, 1993

I don't know why I've been drawn to content lately dealing with addiction and loss...

The only explanation I can muster: my subconscious is desperately trying to send me a warning of some kind, maybe something about the "harmless" addictions I possess...because even "harmless" addictions can become dangerous and life-controlling. 

Not considering my present state of mind, I've loved this song since its release and always turn up the radio when its beautiful, calming, and distinct drum rhythms flow so seamlessly through my speakers; although its tempo is fast-paced, I've always considered this a very relaxing song...maybe because it represents just how common "loss" of any kind is in this world...and this sentiment, in an obscure way, is sadly comforting. So thank you, Candlebox, for sharing yours.

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