Monday, January 11, 2016

Bad Conversation Topics When Surrounded by Throwable Objects 4

TOPIC: Should humans consider sex and love mutual or independent?

Sex and love are not mutual, and although they can occur simultaneously, both do not need to occur to experience either one.

Sex is physical, logical, and biological; Love is emotional, illogical, and chemical.

Physical sexual release is needed for your mind and body to function up to par.

It's that simple.

To preface what I have related here, I'd like to say I don't expect you to walk into work or stand on a street corner or go on the radio and broadcast these aspects of your life, but I expect you to be honest with yourself and your partner(s).

One of the worst things you can do to your mind or your body is deny both of them sexual pleasures just because these sexual pleasures have been deemed inappropriate, obscene, disgusting, or perverted by society. As long as what you desire sexually doesn't take advantage of someone and their position in life, doesn't hurt them without their assent, and is an agreed upon act(s) by consensual adults, than you are not a "pervert," a "sicko," or any other judgmental label which might be attached to you. And don't worry...if you're not in love with your partners...I won't tell anyone!

Also, attraction isn't a constant; it varies at different levels and different times. If you're in a relationship with someone who is dear to you, but you find times when you're not attracted to this person, there could be several reasons why this attraction has momentarily faded, but it doesn't mean you aren't attracted to this person anymore; so, sometimes you need "aids," "roles,"or "tools" to help jump start your libido into action again!

It's okay, despite what society says, to want to have sex with someone who you do not love--you are not a bad person, and I'm tired of people telling you otherwise. Yes, being freer with your sexual escapades and having multiple partners can lead to complications in life, but there are precautions to take if you're intelligent and diligent. And just because you don't want to have sex with someone, doesn't mean you can never love them; love is created from chemicals in our brain, and although sexual attraction leading to love can at times be a stronger force, simple caring, providing security, and general compatibility can also lead to strong feelings of love, though this might take longer to create opposed to physical attraction.

There are so many benefits to having sex (solo or with a partner), but if I'd simply list them no one would believe me, so if you're interested, here are some links to do your own research:

Be safe, be smart, and let your mind and body reach its full potential! Happiness is an "O"-Face away.

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