Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Famous Art 18

Flower Study ; 1913 ; Pierre Auguste Renoir

I understand I am not an art critic by any means or form of the occupation or the word itself, but some of the reviews of this painting really confuse me and overwhelm me: "This artwork differs from most still life paintings as the artist was not concerned in concluding a study of depth and composition, but in placing ear flower upon the same spatial plane, giving a sense of movement and energy" for example. Ear flower? Is there a person in depicted in this painting somewhere? Or does the term "ear flower" mean something else in the painting/art world?

The Impressionists have always struck a chord with me, especially their depictions of the outside world, of nature, of emotion, and I am beginning to see the beauty when this style is applied to indoor themes as well, even still-lifes such as this vibrant, energy infused masterpiece. I even prefer this piece to the supposed finished painting because the expressive and broad brushstrokes allow me to imagine more of the scene than the more realistic nature of the supposed finished painting—A Bowlful of Roses (see below).

Renoir, a leading painter in the development of the Impressionist style, as well as a celebrator of beauty and especially feminine sensuality, delivers, for me, a true visual delight with the above study.

A Bowlful of Roses ; Unknown ; Pierre Auguste Renoir

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