Friday, July 30, 2021

Most Wanted Posters - Friday

~Do You Ever Wish Upon a Star?~

Do You Ever Wish Upon A Star?
a star that shines so bright
One That Captures Your Heart In A Flash
and fills it with gracious light?

A Star As Beautiful As A Tree In Autumn
that sheds its colors for all
And As Its Leaves Drift Swiftly To The Ground
could answer nature’s call?

A Star As Lovely As A Bride
and as beautiful as her heart
And When The Groom Says, “I Do”
knowing you'll never be apart?

A Star As Special And Wonderful As The First Time For Love
shared between two special people
For Love Is The True Togetherness
locking the hearts of the feeble?

A Star As Innocent As A Child 
that was just brought into this world 
Through The Love, Care, And Tenderness
shared between a boy and a girl?

A Star As Special As A Sunset Shared
that warms the souls of lovers
And Stirs Up a Sense of Caring
when they’re wrapped as one in covers?

I Have Wished Upon A Star Like This
but it has failed to come true
But As Of Now I’m Just Glad Enough
to have shined just once in you.

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