Thursday, July 29, 2021

Picture Box 13 (Pic Dump)

A “Dracula” Parrot

French artist Julien Berthier designed a boat to make it look like it's sinking. Why? For A Prank?

Drawings of the moon made by Galileo Galeili after observing it through his telescope ; 1609

Growing Cashew Nuts

A Chimpanzee With Alopecia

This is the reason why we have uninterrupted internet. This is the amount of protection that is used to protect the undersea cable.

During WWII, British & US governments had the Bicycle Playing Card Company create decks of cards containing maps of escape routes for POWs ; The cards needed to be soaked and peeled apart to reveal the maps.

Biracial twin sisters born to a white father and a half-Jamaican mother.

A father designed a headstone for his wheelchair-bound son, depicting him "free of his earthly burdens.”

This is actually a black and white image with colored lines ; Your brain uses the line color information to fill in color for the rest of the photo.

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