Sunday, May 28, 2023

Most Wanted Posters - Sunday

~A Beautiful Love Song~

She came as swiftly as a summer wind
and left as calmly as a setting sun.
Even though we must remain two
our hearts beat simultaneously as one.
A thousand miles away, I wonder
if her thoughts burn of me?
I wonder if she closes her eyes tight
is it my face she sees?
A seed was definitely planted,
but it’s almost impossible for it to grow.
Who knows if we had a chance for watering
what kind of life the seed would sow?
I hate to think about it at times.
But then I couldn’t think of her.
I wouldn’t be able to think about her kiss
or her body’s stimulating purr.
This ray of sunshine will always make me smile,
even on a rainy day.
And the sensations of her last touch
to my heart, will pave the way.
The time we spent could last a life time.
How can we know the effects of our meeting?
Is it possible to see into the future?
Can we get a glimpse of cupid’s seeding?
I know I think of her
and how it would be to kiss her lips one last time.
I think about sealing our fate
and being able to call this angel mine.
A tear runs down my cheek
as I realize this is only a dream.
But then I remember her caring eyes
and a smile is once again redeemed.
Not too many men experience a shooting star;
she came and was gone.
But I thank God, with all my heart
for letting me be a part of such a beautiful love song.

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