Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Movie/Film/TV Box 20 (Meme/Pic Dump)

Alma Reville and the prop head of her husband, Alfred Hitchcock ; 1972

"Korg" from Thor: Ragnarok ; 2017 (Behind-The-Scenes)

During Guardians of the Galaxy, they had to do several takes because Chris Pratt kept making “pew pew” sounds when firing his ray gun.

In Scrubs the Janitor, Neil Flynn, almost never read his script, just improvising his role; Bill Lawrence actually said he wrote "whatever Neil says" for his lines.

In Life of Brian the line after "Yes, we're all individuals,"..."I'm not!" was ad-libbed and obviously not cut from final production.

In Die Hard when filming Alan Rickman falling from the window, they gave him a countdown, and then dropped him as they said one, so his shocked expression is real.

In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Alan Rickman and Michael Gambon played a prank on Daniel Radcliffe by putting a fart machine in his sleeping bag.

The scene in Spider-Man when Peter catches the food on MJ's tray was not done with CGI; Tobey Maguire actually had to catch it (though his hand was glued to the tray), and it took 156 takes.

Chris Farley ; 1994

Polaroids taken by casting director Bonnie Timmermann ; circa 1990

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