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Sunday, December 10, 2023

Comics 22

 "It always seems to upset us to want what we don't have, but have we ever been thrilled to not have what we don't want?"

The sentiment behind this comic is actually very profound: You should be grateful for the things not in your life you would not want in your life. It really is a simply concept, yet so powerful. I mean, how many people are thankful in the morning their house was not robbed during the night, that they are not married to a serial killer, or that they do not have cancer? We don't think about the things we do not have that we would not want, only the things we want that we do not have. I don't know if this is the same thing (I think it might be), but I try every time another little bothersome ailment rears its ugly head, or I get put on a new a medication, or I have to complete another useless activitiy to live in society (like get a new license with four forms of identification), I take a breath and just stay to myself it could be much worse: I could have cancer, I could have to sit through dialysis, or I could have to burn all my books because the government doesn't want us to read. Things could always be worse. 

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