Monday, June 19, 2023

Most Wanted Posters - Monday

~Fantasy Of A Kiss~

She silently sits,
sleeping through his stares,
as adoring admiration
flickers and flares.

She stirs slowly,
unknowingly being wanted;
With her sensuous skin and rhythmic eyes,
he secretly remains taunted—

taunted by the fantasy of a kiss
that magically could last a lifetime.
Her moist lips and gentle caress
dance with the divine.

He dreams of holding her close,
hearts beating as one,
downing a double dose
of romance’s setting sun.

He realizes it must stay a dream
for his affections have no chance.
His shyness is hidden
from asking her for a dance.

Mysteriously, she quiets his tiger
but enrages his lion.
He hunts for his goddess
with a spirit undying.

But his passions will remain silent,
deep within his heart.
He’ll still linger around her castle
never wanting to be far apart.

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