Sunday, June 25, 2023

Junk Box 27 (Meme/Pic Dump)

Seahorse couples greet each other every morning with a dance, sometimes involving color changes. This behavior is a way to reinforce their bond and synchronise their reproductive cycles.

To free up male soldiers for combat during WWII, WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) trained women to be pilots, but they did not hold military standing until the 1970s. In 2009 they were awarded the Congressional Gold Medal.

In Cuba picking up hitchhikers is mandatory for government vehicles if passenger space is available.

Meerkats are the most murderous animals on earth; 20% of all meerkats die at the hands of another meerkat.

The herpes virus is being used to treat cancer; and a modified form of herpes is already FDA approved to treat melanoma.

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